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North America Education Center Consulting provides full consulting and advisory services in matters relating to education and education-related investment. Our services range from initial consultation, to identifying educational investment opportunities as well as managing educational projects in North America for clients. Our strength is in helping clients (particularly from Asia) to look for opportunities, connections and programs in North America to meet their needs.

NAEC Consulting is championed by experts with many years of battlefield experience in the education industry. They have developed a lot of connections in North America and can help clients from Asia to find compatible partner institutions and/or investment opportunities in North America. NAEC Consulting is particularly connected in the US.


NAEC Consulting provides full services in education. For illustration, some examples of services are listed hereunder::

  1. Assist clients to set up and operate Canadian HS programs in Asia.
  2. Assist clients to set up and operate US HS programs in Asia.
  3. Assist clients to set up and run cooperative university-level programs in Asia.
  4. Assist clients to acquire (or invest in) high schools in North America
  5. Assist clients to acquire (or invest in) colleges/universities in North America.
  6. Assist clients to develop diploma programs for “2+2” or “3+1” articulation to North American universities.
  7. Assist clients to develop partnerships with certain North American universities for “Study-Abroad” programs.
  8. Assist clients to develop or identify “Professional Development” programs offered by North American universities.
  9. Assist clients in developing English programs.
  10. Assist clients in developing MBA-level preparatory programs that are recognized by certain partner universities in North America.
  11. Assist clients in developing Pre-University programs that are recognized by certain partner universities in North America.
  12. Assist clients in identifying real-estate investments (esp. for educational purposes).
  13. Provide liaison functions to clients (helping them in handling any language and cultural barriers that may be encountered in North America).
  14. Provide training or general consulting services to assist clients to understand North American educational systems.
  15. Assist clients in hiring education-related staff from North America.